At the start of the Covid era, social and behavioral scientists were explaining to our elected leaders (and likely media heads and other people of influence) how to use behavioral science to persuade us to support the government’s Covid response.

Were the social and behavioral scientists in full agreement with the Covid mandates (lockdowns, masks, school and business closures, the distancing rules)? In other words, did they themselves agree with those responses to Covid?
I’m writing this report to remember history. I’ll give it to my children to give to their future children someday. I don’t know how this Covid era will end, but I hope it results in a better and freer world for us all and doesn’t result in totalitarianism, which is where we could be heading.
To start, I don’t think we have been responding to Covid in the best way. In this report I say “Covid” instead of “Covid-19, and I sometimes say “shot” instead of “vaccine”… because it isn’t a vaccine in the traditional sense.
Moreover, I understand why elderly people and people with underlying health conditions and people who are nervous about Covid have chosen to take the shots. The Covid shots will, in most cases, reduce both the symptoms of Covid and the need to be hospitalized. However, these shots protect people for only a few months; and they don’t stop people who take them from becoming infected with Covid or from transmitting the Covid virus to others.
The early Covid era timeline
When looking at a situation, it’s best to give a history… to start at the beginning.

Were the social and behavioral scientists in full agreement with the Covid mandates (lockdowns, masks, school and business closures, the distancing rules)? In other words, did they themselves agree with those responses to Covid?
I’m writing this report to remember history. I’ll give it to my children to give to their future children someday. I don’t know how this Covid era will end, but I hope it results in a better and freer world for us all and doesn’t result in totalitarianism, which is where we could be heading.
To start, I don’t think we have been responding to Covid in the best way. In this report I say “Covid” instead of “Covid-19, and I sometimes say “shot” instead of “vaccine”… because it isn’t a vaccine in the traditional sense.
Moreover, I understand why elderly people and people with underlying health conditions and people who are nervous about Covid have chosen to take the shots. The Covid shots will, in most cases, reduce both the symptoms of Covid and the need to be hospitalized. However, these shots protect people for only a few months; and they don’t stop people who take them from becoming infected with Covid or from transmitting the Covid virus to others.
The early Covid era timeline
When looking at a situation, it’s best to give a history… to start at the beginning.