in Washington State
By Elizabeth Hanson M. Ed. April 17, 2022
The aim of this article is two fold-
1) to look at how the Covid-19 virus changed the death rate in different age groups in Washington state and to examine the Covid vaccines’ impact on the death rate.
2) to present VAERS reports showing some of the adverse reactions people have had to Covid vaccines in Washington state. (*VAERS is the federal agency where vaccine injuries can be reported.)
The two questions I had which prompted me to do research are:
1- Is the risk of a vaccine injury worth the risk of a Covid infection?
2- Did the number of deaths decrease after mass vaccination?
I have had many questions about the Covid virus and Washington state's Covid response since March 2020 when the college I worked at closed, and I had to start teaching from home. In Washington state, most small businesses were forced to close and many never re-opened. The public schools were forced to close. People were warned to stay home, socially distance, sanitize everything, wear masks, and eventually many people were mandated to get Covid vaccinations.
I wore masks though I doubted that masks would prevent the spread of the Covid virus. I thought a lot about how closing the schools would have a devastating effect on children: their mental health, physical health, their academics and learning, and their general development to become well-adjusted happy people. I could tell as a teacher that online teaching and learning is not as good as in-person learning. And I had a wary attitude toward the Covid vaccine when it came out and wondered if it would even work.
My skepticism seems to have been proven correct in terms of the masks and Covid vaccines not working as advertised. Consider South Korea, a highly masked and highly vaccinated country where Covid cases and deaths have skyrocketed.
This chart is from Worldometer. Worldometer presents the daily number of cases and deaths in countries worldwide. Find the US and then you will see the US states. You can see the Covid case and death trends cumulatively.
The X-axis shows the date. The Y-axis shows the number of cases or deaths. In this chart the number of deaths are measured in 100’s.
South Korea has been having 200-400+ deaths per day since March 11, 2022. How is that possible when 87% of the South Korean population is fully vaccinated? I assume that virtually all of the unvaccinated people in South Korea are babies and young children.
As mentioned, I was extremely concerned about young people. I knew that not going to school would severely harm children. I came across this article today wherein the CDC conducted a study of high school students:

In it we read:
“A recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveyed thousands of high school students on the effects of the pandemic.
“Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than half of students found it more difficult to complete their schoolwork (66%) and experienced emotional abuse by a parent or other adult in their home (55%),” which correlated heavily with students who “experienced insecurity via parental job loss (29%), personal job loss (22%), and hunger (24%).”
A recent study released the same day, examined the effects the pandemic has had on the mental health of high school students. It found that “during the 12 months before the survey, 44.2% experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, 19.9% had seriously considered attempting suicide, and 9.0% had attempted suicide.””
Considering the harm that the lockdown did to hundreds of thousands of children in our state, was it worth it? No.
Aside from the lockdown harms, according to the recent Pfizer data dump, Pfizer knew that severe vaccine related injuries would occur in people under the age of 55, and the data in Washington state bears that out. (Non-Covid deaths in people under the age of 55 have increased, which you will see in part two of this report and in part 3 you will see examples of vaccine injuries.) No wonder Pfizer wanted their Covid vaccine data hidden for 75 years.

“On April 1, another batch of 11,000 Pfizer documents was released by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Pfizer trial data reveal natural immunity was as effective as the jab, and that shot side effects were more severe in those under 55. Since the risk of severe COVID is dramatically lower in younger people, the shot should have been restricted to those at high risk of severe COVID.”
I have a BA in Linguistics, and a MA in education and taught English to people from other countries for 29 years at a Washington state community college. During my teaching career, I co-wrote the book Anatomy and Physiology for English Language Learners. In this book, we gave a basic overview of how the immune system works.

I had a serious illness when I was 13 years old, which lasted for over a year. I got down to 105 pounds at 5’8” and was in near constant pain. And despite being given different medications, many just available for use, I got sicker and sicker. The doctors told me I might die. Thankfully, I’m here. That experience left me with a skeptical attitude toward medication and a keen interest in health.
I am not anti-vax. I’m 60 years old and have no underlying health problems. I got Covid just before Christmas (2021) on a trip to Las Vegas likely because of the crowded buffet lines. Everyone, myself included, was masked everywhere in Las Vegas, and I assume the majority of people were vaccinated. However being in closed spaces with a lot of people is a sure fire way to get Covid, even if masked and vaccinated.
I invite you to look at the Washington state death data with me as well as learn about the adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines some people have experienced in Washington state. I think you might be surprised.
Comparing Death Data
Note: Washington state has not published its death total for 2021. However, the CDC published a 2021 death total for Washington state. (Also, the 2020 total number of deaths is reported differently by Washington state and the CDC by 58 deaths. I will use the Washington state total here and the CDC total in the other charts you will see later.)
Chart #1 Washington state death trends – Total deaths (all causes)
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
54,513 |
54,748 |
57,012 |
56,913 |
58,297 |
63,173 |
68,644 |
In recent years, the death total in our state from all causes rose by about 1,300 per year because our population is increasing and also aging. Thus, 2020 should have been 59,600 and 2021 should have been about 61,000.!q0=1024
Instead, there were 3,573 more deaths than expected in 2020 (6% more) and 7,644 more deaths than expected in 2021 (13% more). Clearly mass vaccinations in 2021 did not cause the death rate to decrease. In fact, after reaching a vaccination rate of 70%, deaths increased dramatically.
Let's look at the Covid death trend line in Washington state. In March 2020 we recognized Covid. In March there was a sharp increase followed by a decline and then an eventual smaller rise, followed by a fall. Then, from December 2020, there was a much bigger rise, followed by a decline until mid March of 2021. A bumpy low continued until July 2021 when fully 70% of Washingtonians age 5 and up were vaccinated.

At the end of July 2021 the death rate increased dramatically and reached a peak higher than ever until you get to February 2022. Please look carefully at the trend line for all three years. It is informative.
Does it look like the vaccine worked as promised?
Now let’s subtract the Covid related deaths from the total number of deaths each year. Did Washington state’s lockdown response to Covid and vaccine mandates result in more or fewer non Covid related deaths? (Our states lock down response and mass vaccination are the two variables we have to account for the change.) Recall the Pfizer data dump which shows a disproportionate number of adverse reactions in people under 55 years old.
Chart #2 Washington state death trends- Total deaths minus Covid related deaths
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
54,513 |
54,748 |
57,012 |
56,913 |
58,297 |
59,470 |
62,502 |
Notice the increase in the number of non Covid related deaths from 2020 to 2021. It represents a 5.1% increase. Compare that to the previous two non Covid years 2018 and 2019, a 2.4% increase in death.
Here is the % change in deaths year over year 2015-2021.
Chart #3 Washington State Deaths 2015-2021: Changes year over year
Year |
% change in deaths (all causes) |
% change in deaths minus Covid related deaths |
2015-2016 |
+ 0.43% |
2016-2017 |
+ 4.1% |
2017-2018 |
- 0.17% |
2018-2019 |
+ 2.4% |
2019-2020 |
+8.4% |
+ 2.0% |
2020-2021 |
+8.7% |
+ 5.1% |
What caused the 5.1% in non Covid deaths? Remember 70+% of Washingtonians were vaccinated in the second half of 2021.
Washington state demographics
There are approximately 7.7 million people living in Washington state. Since March of 2020, a total of 12,566 people have reportedly died a Covid related death in Washington state, Today 74% of people over the age of 5 are fully vaccinated.
I use CDC data to create most of this report. Here is an image of a CDC table where you can find the total number of people in Washington state who died from any cause in 2021 as well as the number of people who died a Covid related death in 2021, by age.
Note: In the 2020, 2021 and 2022 CDC charts, Washington state children age 0-17 have no number of deaths recorded. There is a blank where the number would go. However in the 2020-2022 chart you can see 12 deaths recorded. That means 12 total deaths from a Covid related deaths in 2 years and 3+ months among children age 0-17.
NOTE: The CDC uses the term Covid related death to refer to people dying from/ with Covid. use that term as well. All data, unless otherwise specified, is from the CDC.
Chart #4- Covid related deaths over the total number of deaths from all causes in Washington state 2020, 2021 and 2022 by age. Also included is the percentage of Covid related deaths out of the total deaths.
2020 Covid related deaths / Deaths from all causes |
2021 Covid related deaths / Deaths from all causes |
2022 (-4/9/22) Covid related deaths / Deaths from all causes |
0-17 |
0 / 627 0% |
0 / 674 0% |
0 / 117 0% |
18-29 |
13 / 1,186 1.1% |
47 /1,324 3.5% |
12 / 232 5.1% |
30-39 |
35 / 1,536 2.3% |
158 / 1,910 8.3% |
30 / 378 7.9% |
40-49 |
81 / 2,262 3.6% |
362 / 2,812 12.9% |
68 /554 12.3% |
50-64 |
463 / 9,947 4.7% |
1,354 / 11,255 12% |
319 / 2,289 13.9% |
65-74 |
756 / 12,812 5.9% |
1,528 / 14,501 10.5% |
440 / 3,101 14.2% |
75-84 |
1,023 / 15,233 6.7% |
1,390 / 16,479 8.4% |
566 / 3,960 14.3% |
85+ |
1,328/ 19,412 6.8% |
1,297 / 19.689 6.6% |
545 /4,604 11.8% |
Summary of deaths per year |
2020 All deaths: 63,173 (Wa Dept of health) All deaths involving Covid-19: 3,703 % Covid-19 deaths of all deaths: 5.9% |
2021 All deaths: 68,644 All Deaths involving Covid-19: 6,142 % Covid-19 deaths of all deaths: 8.9% |
2022 (to April 9th) All deaths: 15,235 All Deaths involving Covid-19: 1,982 % Covid-19 deaths of all deaths: 13% |
By far, people in each age group died from causes other than Covid.
So far, the highest percentage of Covid related deaths (out of all deaths) have occurred in the age group 50-84 at around 14% in 2022, approximately two years since the start of the pandemic and despite mass vaccination in this age group.
In 2021, (when we have a full year of data) the highest percentage of Covid related deaths (out of total deaths) occurred in the age group 40-49 at nearly 13%.
In 2021 there were a total of 6,142 Covid deaths, 205 of which were in the 0-39 age group, accounting for only 3.34% of all Covid deaths. There are approximately 3.2 million people age 0-39 in Washington state. Is the risk of a vaccine injury worth the risk of dying from a Covid infection for people under the age of 40?
To what extent do Covid vaccinations prevent death? I ask this because the highest vaccinated age groups - age 50+ are having an increase in Covid related deaths.
Here is a breakdown of the % of all Covid related deaths by age in Washington state (2021):

91% of deaths occur in people over the age of 50. Here is the population breakdown of people under the age of 40 in Washington state:
Why would our elected leaders mandate Covid vaccinations which cause serious injuries in some people and don’t stop viral transmission? Why did we close the schools? By doing so, we may have caused life long harm to young people.
Six deaths in Washington state have been attributed to the Covid vaccine in the age group 0-39. (Later I will teach you how to navigate the VAERS database and talk more about vaccine injuries.) Here are 3 reports of deaths: A 37 year old female, a 34 year old male and a 35 year old male.

In most age groups in Washington state, Covid related deaths are making up an increasing proportion of all deaths in 2022 despite 74% of the population over the age of 5 now being vaccinated.
No one was vaccinated in 2020, so why is the percentage of Covid deaths out of total deaths higher in 2021 and so far in 2022? (Compare 5.9% to 8.9% to 13%.)

Remember back in mid 2020 when we were promised that a 60-70% vaccinated population would mean herd immunity?

Chart #5 – Vaccine effectiveness?
Compare the total number of deaths and the Covid related deaths that occurred in Jan-February 2021 in Washington state to those that occurred in Jan- February 2022. In early 2021 just over 1% of Washingtonians were fully vaccinated. However, by Jan 3, 2022, 70.6% of Washingtonians over 5 years old were fully vaccinated. (See p. 27)
In Washington state, the number of Covid related deaths in Jan 2022 (1,102) was dramatically higher than the total number of Covid related deaths in Jan 2021 (788) a near 40% increase despite high levels of vaccination.
In January 2021, 13.1% of all deaths were Covid related while in January 2022 15.8% of all deaths were Covid related.
Jan-February 2021 |
Jan-February 2022 |
January Total: 6,040 Covid related: 788 |
January Total: 6,993 Covid related: 1,102 |
February Total: 5072 Covid related: 400 |
February Total: 5,105 Covid related: 738 |
In February 2021, Covid related deaths comprised 7.9% of all deaths. In February 2022, Covid related deaths comprised 14.5% of all deaths.
Also, in February 2022 we saw a huge 97% increase in the number of Covid related deaths compared to February 2021. (400 to 738)
All in all, comparing Jan-Feb 2021 to Jan – Feb 2022, we saw a dramatic increase in the total number of Covid related deaths both by raw numbers and also as a proportion of total deaths:
Total # of Covid related deaths |
Total % of Covid deaths of all deaths | |
Jan- Feb 2021 |
1,188 |
1,188/11,112 = 10.7% |
Jan- Feb 2022 |
1,840 |
1,840/12,098 = 15.2% |
There was a 55% increase in the number of Covid related deaths between Jan+Feb 2021 and Jan+Feb 2022.
Were all of the Covid related deaths in 2022 among the unvaccinated? If so, then what about the Covid related deaths in Jan and Feb 2021 when nearly everyone was unvaccinated?
Was there a strain of Covid which the vaccines couldn’t fight in Jan and Feb 2022? Had the vaccines worn off?
Chart #6 - Covid deaths and deaths from all causes...comparing 2020 and 2021
In the following chart you will see the total number of people dying by age from all causes in Washington state in 2020 and in 2021. Then you will see the increases in the number of overall deaths and the increase in the number of deaths when we subtract Covid deaths by age.
Why was there a huge increase in the number of Covid related deaths despite high levels of vaccination?
The number of total deaths minus Covid increased dramatically from 2020 to 2021. Recall the Pfizer data dump where we learn that adverse reactions to the vaccine are most common in people under the age of 50. In this chart we see the highest increase in non-Covid deaths in people age 30-39.
I wonder how effective the vaccine is in preventing deaths… Could the vaccine actually be weakening people’s immune system leading to death from things other than Covid?
A 24% increase in all deaths among people are 30-49 is alarming! I did some research to see if higher rates of deaths among working age people is occurring in other places besides Washington state and found this:

Indeed, there has been a huge increase in the number of deaths outside of Washington state. From the article,“Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people age 18-64”:
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at One America,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said ...“The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
...“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of… Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said.”
Chart #7- Breakthrough cases
Breakthrough cases means a person is fully vaccinated, (2 shots Pfizer or Moderna or 1 shot Johnson and Johnson) yet gets Covid. As the image below shows, there were over 416,000 breakthrough cases in Washington state between Jan 17th 2021 and March 26th 2022. Sadly, despite vaccination, 0.5%, of the 416,286 people died from a Covid related illness (2,015 people) between January 17th 2021 and March 26th 2022.
UK Break through cases
Break through cases are occurring in the UK as well. The vast majority of people in the UK have been vaccinated. In the March 4th (2022) BBC article “Covid vaccine: How many people are vaccinated in the UK?” we see that the majority of people in England over the age of 50 had their first vaccine by April 2021, and that today a full 85% of people over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated with 66% boosted.

Note the huge surge in cases in the UK December 2021-February 2022:
(The Y-axis is labeled in 100,000’s.)
It has been modeled that a full 13% of the population (March 27th – April 3rd 2022) currently has a Covid infection in the UK.
Chronic Covid?
Igor Chudov, mathematician and business owner, introduces us to the concept of “chronic Covid” in this article, which cites many scientific studies.

He writes: “Chronic Covid is a situation where the vaccinated cannot develop natural immunity, cannot quickly clear infections, and remain ill and infectious for extended period of time. Such repeat infections progressively damage their immunity to the point of not being able to clear Covid at all. That would lead to people being chronically infected, infecting others, and overwhelmed with toxic Covid viral proteins, while remaining immunosuppressed.”
I hope Covid doesn’t become chronic in people.
Could it be that the Covid vaccines are damaging the immune system slowly over time? Will the death rate from all causes increase in years to come? Break through cases account for many of the Covid related deaths in Washington state. I wonder if this number will increase.
I had never imagined that an experimental vaccine would be so embraced by so many people.
Is there a group of people who have a financial and power incentive in pushing the experimental Covid vaccines? Have most of our leaders become brainwashed? Do they resist new information?
Today in the US, the land of freedom, people who are curious by nature and have questions about vaccine safety or Covid mitigation strategies are demonized as conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxxers.
Let’s now turn to the subject of vaccine injuries in Washington state.
Adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine
When people suffer side effects (adverse reactions), to any vaccine, they or their healthcare provider can report their adverse reaction to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which is a US agency established in 1990 co-managed by the CDC and the FDA. Here is a description of the VAERS reporting system:
“VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of adverse events (possible side effects) after a person has received a vaccination. Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS. Healthcare professionals are required to report certain adverse events and vaccine manufacturers are required to report all adverse events that come to their attention.
VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine. This way, VAERS can provide CDC and FDA with valuable information that additional work and evaluation is necessary to further assess a possible safety concern.”
The OpenVAERS website takes VAERS reports and organizes them in an accessible way for the general public. Each week they provide a “Red Box” report of adverse events related to Covid vaccines as well as a summary of other injuries.
It is also very important to know that vaccine injuries are under reported to VAERS. The result of several studies shows:
"Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but under reported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported."
Here is the most recent record of Covid vaccine adverse reports reported in the US, not just Washington state. (The numbers are cumulative- collected since the roll out of Covid vaccines):

There are additional Covid vaccine injuries, which always appear after the red box summary:

Note the huge rise in deaths in the US since widespread uptake of the Covid vaccine. There have been more deaths attributed to the Covid vaccine than deaths from all previous vaccines combined since 1990.

The above images can be found here:
I assume nearly all proponents of the Covid vaccine, most of our politicians as well as mainstream media would regard these injuries and deaths as expected and would likely say they should be tolerated for the greater good. To me, that is insane. We must remember that reports to VAERS are very under-reported. There are probably at least 10x (or maybe 100x) as many injuries and death that occurred, but were not reported.
Very sadly, people who are injured by Covid vaccines have no recourse. They can’t get their medical bills paid by big pharma or get checks for income lost. If a person suffers from permanent paralysis, they might be in a wheelchair for life.
What is a person’s chance of dying from Covid if they are young and healthy? If they are at virtually no chance of dying from a Covid infection, why take the chance with the Covid shot?
The bottom line is that no shot or medication is safe for all people. And sadly, 1,000’s of people have been injured by Covid vaccines in Washington state so far. Children have virtually zero chance of dying from Covid and there have been over 1,500 cases of vaccine injuries reported to VAERS so far. You have likely heard of the risk of Myocarditis. Myocarditis means heart inflammation. In Washington state 6 children (likely off by a factor of up to 100x due to under-reporting) have developed Myocarditis as a result of Covid vaccines. Here is an overview of Myocarditis from the Mayo clinic:

Myocarditis has been linked to the increase in the number of athletes and members of the military who have died suddenly as well. Here are 3 recent heart related deaths from the article “890 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 579 Dead, After COVID Shot”:
1- 03/04/2022 Spain Dead: Jorge Salmerón Mezcua (13), CF San José Obrero Footballer in Cadiz, Andalucia, Spain, who played football for his local club. He died suddenly. No further details available.
2- 02/04/2022 Ireland Dead: Cora O’Grady (51), Hill Walker was walking from Kilbehenny to Galtymore in Limerick, Ireland. On the way, she suddenly became ill. Emergency services were unable to resuscitate her.
3- 02/04/2022 Germany: Unnamed (Age) referee of the U12 football match between Weissenbach and Sollenau in Germany collapsed during the game due to a cardiac arrest. He was revived with the help of a defibrillator. The referee is described as athletic and physically fit.
Good Sciencing (dot) com is keeping track of these deaths and created this chart from the reports he has received:

Here is a tweet from a former professional soccer player included in the article:
Common Sense
People have the right to determine what goes into their bodies. Parents have the right to determine what goes into their children’s bodies. People should not be caught up in fear when they make health decisions.
Common sense also tells us if that when a person is symptomatic with a flu or cold virus or due to the Covid virus, he or she should stay home. And if a person is at a high risk of dying from a virus, he or she should take special precautions. The vast majority of people who die a Covid related death are over the age of 50. Virtually all healthy people under the age of 40 can easily survive a Covid infection. The majority of people who die a Covid related death have very low levels of vitamin D3 and are obese. We should be exercising, losing weight and making sure we have adequate levels of vitamin D3 (which we often don’t in Washington state). The media and our leaders should be and should have been encouraging us to have healthy habits. The views I align with can be found in the Great Barrington Declaration:

Drafted on December 4th 2020, it reads in part: “The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection....”
Washington State Vaccine Death and Injury Cases Reported by VAERS
Now, let’s turn to Washington state, where I have lived all of my life. I am very concerned about Covid vaccine mandates for workers and students. As it is now, students in higher education (colleges and universities) have to be vaccinated as well as many workers, and as mentioned, it is not risk free to take a Covid vaccine.
1- Here are two vaccine injury reports from VAERS specific to Washington state, one from a 15 year old boy and one from a 15 year old girl.

Total reported Covid vaccine injuries by age in Washington state (Remember, not all vaccine related adverse events are reported to VAERS… far from it.)
Total injury reports filed by age in Washington state, from the start of the Covid vaccination roll out in 2021 to April 2022.
Age |
Total number of Covid vaccine injury reports to VAERS (Washington State) |
5-11 |
418 |
12-18 |
1,149 |
19-30 |
2,288 |
31-49 |
6,083 |
50-64 |
4,209 |
65-80 |
3,339 |
80+ |
662 |
(Note: Some VAERS reports that were submitted describe human errors in giving the vaccine such as giving the wrong dose, or giving a vaccine stored at the wrong temperature or not recording the vaccine lot number correctly. Human errors are a problem too.)
In Washington state Covid vaccine injuries are occurring most often in working age people age 31-64. Compare the number of their injuries (10,292) to the total number of Covid vaccine injuries reported (18,148). Roughly 57% of all adverse events are occurring in people age 31-64. Deaths from all causes have increased dramatically in that group too.
Recall that the number of deaths from all causes has skyrocketed in most age groups from 2020 (no vaccine) to 2021 (vaccine available and often mandated). Note that the number of total deaths minus Covid related deaths also increased dramatically, up 17% in the 30-39 year old age group.

Notice how most Covid vaccine related injuries are in the age group 31-49 just like Pfizer knew they would be.
Age |
Total number of Covid vaccine injury reports to VAERS (Washington State) |
5-11 |
418 |
12-18 |
1,149 |
19-30 |
2,288 |
31-49 |
6,083 |
50-64 |
4,209 |
65-80 |
3,339 |
80+ |
662 |
Is it possible that if some of the people age 30-49 hadn’t taken the vaccine, they would still be alive today?
There are many reports of athletes, soldiers and non elderly people who have died suddenly… Why is that? More interestingly why are we being told not to look at those deaths or that those deaths don’t exist? Why has there been so many "fact checkers" since 2016? When I first heard about “fake news” alarm bells went off in my head. I wrote this essay in response to this cultural change and the importance of independent media in January 2017:
Why are we being pushed so relentlessly to believe certain things despite evidence to the contrary? Not just about Covid, but about anything. Why has “gas lighting” become such a thing?
Sadly, when a person has become attached to certain beliefs it becomes, over time, nearly impossible for that person to look at or listen to information that runs contrary to their beliefs. Learn about mass formation (mass hypnosis) in this video featuring clinical psychologist, Dr. Malone, inventor of MRNA vaccine technology, and Dr. Peter McCullough, who has spoken out in Congress about the Covid vaccine and our Covid mitigation strategies:
Here is another example of people dying suddenly. It is highly suspected that the vaccine was involved with these deaths:
Mark Crispin Miller teaches Propaganda Studies at New York University (NYU). He writes regularly about sudden deaths. It is important that these deaths are recognized. We shouldn’t think that this isn’t happening. This is not a time to be willfully blind.
Specific Covid vaccine injuries in Washington state- by age
These are just a few categories of injuries among many categories, and again, there is very low reporting of vaccine injuries and deaths to VAERS.
Age |
Died |
Life threatening |
Permanently disabled |
Myocarditis |
Miscarriage |
5-11 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
12-18 |
1 |
9 |
9 |
5 |
0 |
19-30 |
1 |
31 |
46 |
61 |
10 |
31-49 |
13 |
118 |
149 |
44 |
40 |
50-64 |
31 |
102 |
148 |
23 |
0 |
65-80 |
62 |
83 |
70 |
17 |
0 |
81+ |
74 |
22 |
16 |
3 |
0 |
Can you imagine giving a vaccine to your child because you genuinely thought it would keep your child safe (The vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.) and your child ends up dead or permanently disabled? Also, Pfizer wasn't lying when it said its vaccines would have the most adverse events in people under the age of 50. Look at the 31-49 year old group.

Doctors, scientists, academics, politicians, policy makers, school administrators and school boards, employers and journalists in Washington state should honestly study and talk openly about the benefits/ costs of Covid policies, whether it is Covid vaccines or the mitigation strategies like masks and school closures. It’s OK if we went in the wrong direction. We can change course. For example, Sweden recommends against vaccinating children under age 12 and their children go to school unmasked. (Children go to school unmasked and unvaccinated in many other countries too.)
Sweden’s death rate is 1,819 per million compared to the US at 3,034 per million and Washington state at 1,653 per million.
7 VAERS Reports
We’ll now look at some VAERS reports, which show vaccination injuries in 7 Washington state children. Then, I’ll show you how to look up VAERS reports yourself.
Child #1, a 7 year old boy who died.

Child #2, a 17 year old girl who died

Child #3, a 10 year old boy- uncontrollable head jerking

Child #4, a 7 year old boy with ongoing chest pain

Child #5, a 16 year old boy with constant calf pain

Child #6, a 13 year old boy with violent behavior, can’t focus, agitated

Child #7, a 15 year old girl with panic attacks, chest pain

Here is how you can find the adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine that have occurred in Washington state and were reported to VAERS:
Step 1 – Go to; Click on All VAERS Reports

Step 2- Click on Search VAERS reports

Step 3- You will see there is a form for you to fill out that pops out from the left side:

Step 4- Fill out the form like this:

At minimum put in Washington (state), the age you wish to look at (I put in 20-30), and Covid (vax type) and finally push the search button at the very bottom. It may take several seconds for the page to load. Then you will see the adverse events like these:

Finally, it is important to remember that in this database you will see many reports of the vaccine being given incorrectly, (having expired, or not having been kept at the right temperature, or a person being given the wrong dose). For example, in the search we just did, we find that the first 4 reports talk about the lot number being entered into the computer incorrectly. Hence, not all of the reports you see have to do with immediate vaccine injuries to a person. Keep scrolling to find injury reports.

In the age 20-30 age group we find 1 Covid vaccine related death in Washington state:

I hope you will explore the VAERS database.
Covid Vaccines should not be mandated. As we’ve seen, many people have been injured by Covid vaccines already in Washington state. And the death rate is increasing despite widespread vaccination. We also don’t know their long term safety. Vaccines as well as medication in general affect people differently.
We shouldn’t have shut down businesses because the Covid vaccines don’t stop transmission. The Covid policies we have lived with in Washington state have hurt people economically and psychologically. Isn’t public health about all aspects of health?
For some reason we aren’t supposed to talk openly about Covid. I think 100 years from now people will look back at us and talk about the mistakes we made including vaccinating healthy young people, mandating vaccines and closing businesses.
We we are living in a heightened culture of fear which is a newish phenomenon. The media pushes us to be divided on so many issues: gender, race, religion (or not), vaccination status, political party, masks, etc. There is heavy censorship and high levels of cancel-culture in 2022. Having a different opinion can land you into hot water. Didn’t we have freedom of speech and open minds just a few years ago?
It is surprising to see how many people so readily believe the government and mainstream media. Have we never been lied to?
Many well-regarded and respected scientists and doctors, insurance adjusters and coroners, academics and politicians have sounded the alarm on the issues of mass vaccination, masks, school and business closures and the effect of the Covid mandates on mental health… only to be dismissed and ridiculed.
Here is an 8 hour video of an anti-mandate rally in Los Angeles, which was attended by 1000’s of people. It took place on April 10th 2022. The speakers are fabulous- including doctors, nurses, scientists, academics and children among many others.
And today we find this from Fauci. Oh...Now it’s up to us. It should have been all along.
If you have had a vaccine injury or know of someone who has, please report it to VAERS. Follow this link.
Elizabeth Hanson lives in Whatcom County, Washington with her family and pets. She values our liberties and has a real soft spot for children, the elderly and dogs.

She can be reached at