In the weeks before the 2020 Presidential Election, the New York Post wrote an article exposing hundreds of emails that were on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Here is a link to this now famous article:
A tranche of emails from the Hunter Biden laptop revealed how he leveraged his family connections to land lucrative deals overseas and boost his Burisma pay. Here are quotes from the reporter who published the initial report in October 2020:
“Over several days, just weeks before Americans would vote for their next president, I revealed verified authentic emails from the Biden laptop showing Ukrainian business partners receiving leaks from the Obama White House, I documented an off-the-books meeting between then-Vice President Biden and a Ukrainian energy executive, and introduced the world to “the Big Guy,” who got action on a deal with CEFC China Energy Co… The Post published a federal subpoena showing the FBI was in possession of the Biden laptop since December of 2019.
But when the stories appeared on social media that morning — the venue where millions of Americans go to find their news — within hours, the reporting was censored on all major platforms, on the basis of being called “Russian disinformation.” Twitter refused to allow users to share the link to the stories, banned the links from being shared and locked the Post out of its account… It exposed the unholy alliance between the Intelligence Community, social media platforms, and legacy media outlets.”
On Oct. 19, 2020, more than 50 former U.S. intelligence officials, including CIA Director John Brennan, signed a public letter claiming the material published by the Post from Hunter’s hard drive “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” although none of them had seen it. Joe Biden cited their letter in the presidential debates to deflect questions about the laptop.
Those who lied to the American people in order to manipulate the 2020 Presidential election by signing this letter included:
James Clapper, Mike Hayden, Leon Panetta, John Brennan, Thomas Finger, Rick Legett, John McLaughlin, Michael Morrell, Mike Vickers, Doug Wise, Nick Rasmussen, Russ Travers, Andy Liepman, John Moseman, Larry Pfeiffer, Jeremy Bash, Rodney Synder, Glenn Gerstell, David Buckley, Nada Bakos, Patty Brandmaier, James Bruce, David Cariens, Janice Cariens, Paul Kolbe, Peter Corsell, Brett Davis, Roger George, Steven Hall, Kent Harrington, Don Hepburn, Tim Kilbourn, Ron Marks, Jonna Mendez, Emile Nakhleh, Gerald Oshea, David Priess, Pam Purcilly, Marc Polymeropoulos, Chris Savos, Nick Shapiro, John Sipher, Steve Slick, Cynthia Strand, Greg Tarbell, David Terry, Greg Treverton, John Tullius, David Vanell, Winston Wiley and Kristin Wood.
Nearly all of the above people work for the CIA and everyone of them knew that the Biden laptop was real and in the position of the FBI and that it was not a Russian plot. If we had a functioning government, the CIA would be disbanded and all of these people would be arrested for fraud and be serving long jail terms. Instead, you can count on them to manipulate the 2024 US Presidential election just like they manipulated the 2016 and 2020 Presidential elections.
On June 20, 2023, sworn testimony before a House Censorship Hearing confirmed FBI has the Hunter Biden laptop 11 months before the 2020 Election
On August 26, 2022, the New York Post published a poll conducted by the New Jersey-based Technometrica Institute of Policy and Politics confirming that 8 out of 10 voters would have changed their votes had they been aware that the Biden laptop was real.
Thus the FBI together with the Biden campaign, Twitter and Facebook lied to the American people in order to steal the 2020 Presidential election.
This was after the FBI and CIA together with the Clinton campaign, Twitter and Facebook worked together in an attempt to blame Russia for the 2016 Presidential election. In fact, it was not Russia that manipulated the 2016 Presidential election, it was the FBI, CIA, DNC, Facebook, Twitter and Clinton campaign. In January 2017, I wrote a detailed summary of the evidence confirming this:
As we briefly review below, it was not Russia that started the Ukraine War. It was the CIA that started this war by overthrowing the elected government of Ukraine in 2014. Because of Joe Biden lies about the his son’s laptop and his lies about Russia and his lies about Ukraine, more than 300,000 Ukrainians have been killed and the world has been brought to the brink of nuclear annihilation. These lies need to be exposed because there is a direct link between the Biden Burisma Bribery scandal and the current proxy war against Russia.
To understand the Joe and Hunter Biden Burisma Bribery scandal, we need to understand the timeline of events leading to it. Here is a detailed summary of events – most of which have never been reported by the corrupt corporate media.
From Crack Cocaine and Prostitutes to Nuclear War
These events not only confirm that Joe Biden was directly involved in a massive corruption scheme, but they are also relevant to the current US Proxy War in Ukraine which has brought us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia.

It all started with an actual election…
2010 Pro-peace Candidate wins Ukrainian Election
On February 7, 2010, in the last truly fair and Democratic Presidential Runoff election held in Ukraine, a Pro-peace candidate Viktor Yanukovych won 49% of vote compared to a Pro-NATO incumbent who got 46% of vote.