The Covid vaccines received emergency use authorization in December 2020, which marked the start to the vaccination campaign. Throughout this article I use the word “vaccine” or “vaccinate”. However, these aren’t vaccines in the traditional sense. They are mRNA vaccines, a new kind of vaccine, which had never been used on millions of people before in history. We are subjects in an experiment. This picture illustrates how mRNA vaccines work:

Connecticut’s government website does a nice job explaining mRNA vaccines: “Both mRNA (Moderna and Pfizer) and viral vector vaccines (Johnson and Johnson) contain instructions that teach our cells how to create "spike proteins", which is the protein found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. Once your cells produce COVID-19 spike proteins, your immune system recognizes that those proteins don’t belong in your body and creates antibodies to stop the virus from spreading when you are exposed to it.”
Many doctors and scientists believe that Covid vaccines damage a person’s natural immune system, which will lead to people to getting more cancers and autoimmune diseases in the future. There are also many studies that show how Covid vaccines damage the cardiovascular system. You can read some doctors’ views on the vaccines and other issues related to Covid here.
Compare mRNA vaccines to traditional vaccines, which directly give you a tiny amount of the virus. After injecting this tiny amount of virus into your body, your immune system recognizes it as foreign and mounts a defense.
Consider the small pox vaccine, a traditional vaccine, the first vaccine. Small Pox killed 300-500 million people in the 20th century alone and had been with us for centuries. Here is its history (from the National Institute of Health):
“The first hope that smallpox could be controlled came in 1796 when Edward Jenner, an English physician, discovered that immunity to smallpox could be produced by inoculating a person with material from a cowpox lesion. He observed that milk maids who developed cowpox, a less serious disease, did not develop smallpox. He then took fluid from the hand of a milkmaid infected with cowpox and inoculated an 8-year-old boy. Six weeks later, he exposed the same boy to smallpox, and the child did not develop any symptoms. Jenner coined the term “vaccination” from “vacca” meaning “cow” in Latin. Since that time, many other vaccines have been developed.”

Vaccine Efficacy
The Covid vaccines lose efficacy over time, thus requiring boosters. Is it possible that repeated vaccines are NOT good for the body? Will people get continuous boosters until Fauci, the mainstream media and Bill Gates gives them permission not to?
Here is a Science magazine article (December 23, 2021) talking about how the vaccines lose a lot of their efficacy after 4 months:
The Israel Ministry of Health reported vaccine effectiveness of 40% against symptomatic infections 4 to 6 months after the second dose, representing a substantial decline … Although initially it was unclear whether this was due to waning immunity over time or the more transmissible Delta variant, it became apparent that time itself was a key driver...”
Moreover, as stated, the vaccines aren’t proving to be effective against the new Omicron variant. At a Norwegian Christmas party in late November 2021, more than half of the 120 fully vaccinated guests became infected with the Omicron variant, which is highly infectious and escapes the level of protection given by Covid vaccines. I doubt the boosters will protect people either. However, Moderna, Pfizer and J&J will get a lot richer.
Other evidence that the US government response to Covid is built on sand: At a White House Press Briefing on December 29, 2021, the Director of the CDC, Dr. Walensky attempted to justify a change in CDC policies which shortens people’s isolation period to 5 days by admitting that PCR Tests are not accurate. Here is a quote from her press conference:
“Studies have demonstrated that when infection with SARS-CoV-2 — people are infected with SARS-CoV-2, people are most infectious in the one to two days before symptoms develop and the two to three days after. After five days, the risk of ongoing transmission substantially decreases... Many are asking why do we not require a test at the end of the five days of isolation... We know that PCR testing would not be helpful in this setting, as people can remain PCR positive for up to 12 weeks after infection and long after they are transmissible and infectious.”
How many people have had to be needlessly tested?… And now the rules have changed.
How will we get out of the Covid era?
Herd Immunity
Herd immunity means that enough people are immune to a disease either because of having natural immunity (getting infected with Covid and then recovering), or by vaccination. Then, because the virus has too few people to infect, it gradually disappears. It’s weird that we don’t hear much about natural immunity in the mainstream news. 41 million Americans have already recovered from Covid.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan, 60-70% of the population needs to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity against Covid. She said that waiting for natural immunity would cause too many deaths and take too long. A video of her describing herd immunity came out on August 28, 2020 in which she said:
“...the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a highly transmissible virus. We think it needs at least 60 to 70% of the population to have immunity to really break the chain of transmission...with a vaccine you can achieve immunity and herd immunity safely. Through natural infection, we could also achieve it at some point, but it would be at great human cost. And so naturally, the better choice is doing it through a vaccine.” (I bold the word safely. We’ll later see how safe – and effective- these vaccines are.)
If we look at the total cases and Covid related deaths in the US so far, (data retrieved on 12/28) we can see that the number of recovered cases are significant at over 41 million. And there are many more cases of Covid that are unrecorded as many people have had Covid but never got tested for Covid.
The number of people who have recovered from Covid adds significantly to gaining herd immunity. If the vaccines worked, then coupled with the number of people who have recovered from Covid, we should have reached herd immunity in much of the country by now.
What follows in the next section is a comparison between the 5 highest vaccinated states and the 5 lowest vaccinated states. (Remember that in each of these states a significant number of people have natural immunity.)
In the highest vaccinated states have the case and death rates decreased?