That was the sentiment at the FDA when it came to allowing the Covid vaccines to be used on us:

In other words, give the shot to everyone and then we’ll see what happens.
There seem to be a group of people that is willing to experiment on us. I’m grateful that there are many doctors and scientists and others speaking out against these vaccines and their mandates.
Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, has warned people of the danger.
In the video below, Dr Malone talks about how Covid vaccines are leaky, making it easier for the virus to mutate. In addition, he warns that the spike protein (the most dangerous part of the virus which is in the vaccine and which your cells are instructed to produce) can open up the blood brain barrier and also make tiny cuts inside the organs. People are experiencing all kinds of adverse effects as a result of these vaccines, including death. Please consider watching this video:

There is a lot more evidence that these vaccines are not as safe as we have been told. Not all pharmaceuticals are safe for all people. For the rest of this section I present examples of adverse events people have experienced because of Covid vaccines. And then I talk about the damage to people’s lives that vaccine mandates are causing.
I briefly make a point about a topic and then provide a link(s) for you to get more information.
Vaccine Side Effects

Myocarditis is a very common side effect of Covid vaccines
1- The VAERS report.
VAERS is the vaccine adverse events reporting system – a joint venture between the CDC and the FDA. It is the place where doctors can report vaccine injuries and deaths. It notoriously underestimates the number of vaccine related injuries and deaths. In other words, most vaccine related deaths and injuries go unreported.
This website OpenVaers.com is a simplified presentation of the VAERS database. It is interesting to look at and is updated regularly.
Here is a chart showing the huge increase in deaths from the Covid vaccines. Look at how the Covid vaccine linked deaths compare to other vaccine linked deaths over the years.

Below is a list of some of the Covid vaccine injuries, otherwise known as adverse events, reported to VAERS. Again, most adverse events are not reported. As of December 24th there have been 1,000,227 injury reports submitted to VAERS including over 21,000 deaths.

If you would like to read the profiles of people who have been injured by or have died because of the Covid vaccines, go here:
2- This fall we found out that Pfizer wanted to get the record of its vaccine’s adverse events sealed for 55 years. In other words, the public would have had no way of knowing the adverse effects of Pfizer vaccines for 55 years.
It should be obvious that we have a right to know all of the possible side effect of every drug we put into our bodies. Mainstream media journalists should have demanded that the public be made aware of the Covid vaccines’ side effects. I believe mainstream media has failed us.
Thankfully, a group called “Public Health and Medical Professional For Transparency Documents” sued the FDA for the release of Pfizer’s adverse event records and other documents and a courageous judge ordered them released. Here is a screen shot of a few of the side effects that Pfizer expects it could see as a result of its vaccine.

Aside from the possible side effects they expect to occur, Pfizer has kept track of the adverse reactions to their vaccine that have already occurred:
“In the 90 days following EUA (emergency use authorization) release of the “vaccine” they recorded 1223 deaths, and 158,000 adverse reactions, including fetal deaths, spontaneous abortions and more.”
Read more about the situation with Pfizer here:
3. Sudden deaths of athletes
Professional athletes are among the healthiest people on the planet. We don’t expect them to die Covid related deaths; however, they have been collapsing on the field, and in some cases, dying shortly after getting vaccinated.
Read the caption heading the picture:
“A German newspaper Berliner Zeitung has published a report seeking to answer why an “unusually large number of professional and amateur soccer players have collapsed recently.”

Here are a few cases:

Learn more about athletes experiencing ill health or dying after getting a Covid vaccine here:
4. “Post Pandemic Stress Disorder”
There is a new heart-related disease in the UK. It mostly affects people in their 30’s and 40’s. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to wonder if these heart-related illnesses are being used as a cover for vaccine injuries.

From the article in the Evening Standard:
“Up to 300,000 people in the UK are facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder (PPSD), two London physicians have warned. This could result in a 4.5 per cent rise in cardiovascular cases nationally because of the effects of PPSD, with those aged between 30 to 45 most at-risk, they claim.”
This doctor thinks this new illness, Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder, is a cover for Covid vaccine cardiovascular injuries:

4 Cardiovascular Dangers
Dr. Malone explains a study in Hong Kong, whereby many young men are developing heart problems shortly after vaccination.

Look at these huge numbers: 1 our of 2,680. Among young people the risk of dying from Covid is far less than the chance of being injured by the vaccine.
To find many of Dr. Malone’s writing including the above article:
Here is another article about the huge increase in heart-related illnesses among young people:

Finally, in relation to the cardiovascular system and Covid vaccines, this article is a must read. The research of these highly credentialed scientists and doctors will come as a shock. They discuss the autopsy results of 15 people who died a Covid related death. Here is what they found:
“Fifteen bodies were examined (all died from 7 days to 6 months after vaccination). The coroner or the public prosecutor didn’t associate the vaccine as the cause of death in any of the cases. However, further examination revealed that the vaccine was implicated in the deaths of 14 of the 15 cases. The most attacked organ was the heart (in all of the people who died), but other organs were attacked as well. The implications are potentially enormous resulting in millions of deaths. The vaccines should be immediately halted.”
Here is the background of two of the scientists who did the study:
Dr. Bhakdi has spent his life practicing, teaching and researching medical microbiology and infectious diseases. He chaired the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany, from 1990 until his retirement in 2012. He has published over 300 research articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology and parasitology, and served from 1990 to 2012 as Editor-in-Chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, one of the first scientific journals of this field that was founded by Robert Koch in 1887.
Dr. Arne Burkhardt is a pathologist who has taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. He was invited for visiting professorships/study visits in Japan (Nihon University), the United States (Brookhaven National Institute), Korea, Sweden, Malaysia and Turkey. He headed the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen for 18 years. Subsequently, he worked as an independent practicing pathologist with consulting contracts with laboratories in the US. Burkhardt has published more than 150 scientific articles in German and international scientific journals as well as contributions to handbooks in German, English and Japanese. Over many years he has audited and certified institutes of pathology in Germany.
Should we believe these people or Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, the media and our government officials? Why?
Dangers to children
Since the start of the Covid era, in the ten states we looked at, 17 children age 0-17 had a Covid related death. However, regardless of the virtually zero chance of children dying, governments and mainstream media are pushing to vaccinate children in order to attend school.
We have also started seeing children getting vaccine injuries. In

This article gives evidence of heart inflammation following vaccination in boys and gives links for future research:

Finally consider reading this article by Mark Trozzi, 25 year MD and emergency resuscitation specialist who is paying close attention to the damages Covid vaccines are causing in children.

He explains: “Here we will review just twelve of the many VAERS cases of children and teenagers killed with these injections. We do not know them, their names, or their families; so we can not tell you about the children, their personalities, talents, dreams and stories. Nor can we tell you the specific details of their families’ sadness, and the holes left in their hearts and lives. However, here we will share, in plain language, some of the medical details of how they suffered and died following the injections. With each of them appears the links for you to look at their personal raw VAERS report. This particular group all died with the Pfizer injection, but the other injections are deadly also.”
I wonder what it will take to end the practice of vaccinating everyone, especially children. Children have little recourse if they don’t want to get a vaccine. They mostly have to go along with what their parents want them to do. I even hear that unvaccinated children are being bulled at some schools.
At this point, I don’t think most parents are aware of the possible side effects of Covid vaccines, nor are they likely aware that children nearly never die from Covid and are not spreaders of Covid. Sadly, it might take hearing about a lot more vaccine injuries in children before parents think about the benefit-cost relationship of giving an experimental vaccine to their own children.
Here again is a link to the Brownstone Institute collection of articles:
I really hope this information helps some parents make decisions.
Harm to the reproductive system
One of the most shocking things I have read since the start of the Covid vaccination push was the thought of giving these experimental vaccines to pregnant women.
Dr. Michael Yeardon was a former VP at Pfizer. He has degrees in biochemistry and toxicology and a PhD. in respiratory pharmacology. Here he explains how wrong it is to give a Covid vaccine to pregnant women:
“You never, ever give inadequately tested medicines, medicinal products, to a pregnant woman,” he continued. “And that is exactly what is happening. Our government is urging pregnant women, and women of childbearing age, to get vaccinated. And they’re telling them they’re safe. And that’s a lie because those studies have simply not been done.”
Learn more here:
Also, see this: The Cleveland Clinic ob/gyn department warns its doctors and other healthcare workers to expect abnormal results from breast exams and more patient complaints of palpable masses:

I know that learning about vaccine injuries and death can be hard to cognitively digest. What I’ve shown here are only a few articles among thousands.
After looking at the Covid death profile, the numbers of deaths occurring among children and the side effects of the vaccines, we clearly don’t need to be vaccinating children.
The vaccine has clearly not ended Covid cases and deaths and it doesn’t work as promised. But one thing we do know… a few people in high tech and pharmaceuticals are getting extremely rich and powerful.
Other harms because of vaccine mandates
1- Excess deaths-
More working age people are dying from non-Covid causes.
From a January 1, 2022 article, Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica...The data is consistent across every player in that business...Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths...What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic.””
Also, the insurance company is getting a large number of disability claims.
The deaths coincide with the vaccine roll out for this group in April 2021
Here is a chart of 25-44 year olds. Covid alone doesn’t account for this rise- As evidenced by the CDC number of Covid-related deaths in this age group. We need to find out what is going on.

Business owner, Mathematician and writer Igor Chudov supplied this chart and analyzed this situation. Read Igor Chudov’s article here:
2- Being forced into a Covid camp… In Australia there are Covid camps. People who test positive or were near someone who tested positive have been forced into these camps to quarantine. This is a shocking story.

“Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus. She’s just returned from a 14-day detention at Howard Springs, the 2000-capacity Covid camp outside Darwin to which regional Covid cases are transported by the authorities.”
Hayley gets locked up because she was near someone who tested positive. A person would have to be heavily propagandized to think that is OK.
2. People are losing their jobs due to “jab or job” rules. It is widely reported that approximately 5% of Americans chose to leave their job because of refusing the vaccine mandate. However, in a Santa Barbara newspaper, The Santa Barbara Independent (Nov 2021), we read this: “Of the department’s 295 patrol deputies, 181 ― or 61 percent ― have been fully vaccinated, Zick said. Among custody deputies working at the jail, where yet another COVID-19 outbreak recently took place, only 49 percent are vaccinated. It’s not clear how many among that group have or have not submitted to the required testing. Meanwhile, 63 out of 246 county firefighters have opted for tests over vaccines, said Captain Dave Bertucelli. But unlike the Sheriff’s Office, all 63 have registered with the county’s HR department and, as of this Monday, all have been tested. Among the county’s entire 4,564-member workforce, 80 percent have been vaccine-verified, De Guevara said.”
63/246 clearly constitute more than 5% (it is about 25%). A 25% loss in workers is perhaps representative of other groups as well. I believe way more than 5% of all US workers have been forced out of work due to their refusal to be vaccinated with an experimental concoction.
Here is a story about the situation in NY... about hospital staff losing their jobs due to refusing an experimental vaccine in NY:
“New York state's COVID-19 vaccine mandate led to about 34,000 health workers losing jobs or being placed on leave, reflecting a reduction of 3.5% of the workforce, new state data show. The home health sector had the biggest impact as about 20,500 workers, or 8% of the industry's workforce, was effectively cut due to the mandate, according to the statistics released by Gov. Kathy Hochul.”
As a result of hospital staffing shortages, the National Guard was called in.

Here is the results of a recent google search on people losing their jobs due to refusing a Covid vaccine:

There are many millions of people like Greg in the US.
3. Medically exempt?
In the video Destroying the vulnerable in order to save them an Australian woman named Betty Pessimenti tells us about her difficulty in getting a vaccine exemption. She is facing a vaccine mandate with which she can not comply for health reasons.

Betty has an anaphlacitic profile (which means her throat swells up and she can’t breath when confronted with an allergen) and she has allergies to some of the ingredients in the vaccine. However, no doctor will write her an exemption. Not having a vaccine exemption means she can’t work.
Here we have a woman under 40, who can’t take the shot, and is not allowed to work. Recall that people under the age of 40 make up less than 2.5% of all Covid deaths, and if they are healthy and not obese, they have basically a 0% chance of dying. Why not sign a medical exemption for Betty? What is she supposed to do? Starve? Beg?
Also, if Betty were to take the vaccine and suffer adverse effects, she would have no recourse. There is no way to sue Pfizer or Moderna for damages or death (likely Johnson and Johnson too).
From a CNBC December 2020 article:

In other words, if you are damaged or killed by a Covid vaccine, Pfizer and Moderna have 5 words for you “Suck it up butter cup.”
After interviewing Betty, Brett Weinstein (PhD in evolutionary biology) asked, “Where did the humans go?”
Good question Brett. Believing in a narrative without allowing any dissent or discussion is the epitome of privilege. Not allowing medical exemptions and locking people up...I also wonder where the humans have gone.
Here is viewer Red Rider’s comment to Brett’s interview with Betty:

I agree with Red Rider. The governments’ response to Covid hasn’t been so much about our health as it has been about control and massive profit taking. A person has no recourse if they get injured from a Covid vaccine and systems are being put into place that are extremely discriminatory against unvaccinated people. These to me feel like dangerous times.